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BayoTech, IMBS Group to produce hydrogen using biomethane from food waste; plan to produce 1,000kg of hydrogen daily

  • BayoTech and IMBS Group will develop the UK’s first renewable hydrogen project using biomethane from food waste as a feedstock to produce 1,000 kilograms of renewable hydrogen a day.
  • Inking an agreement for the effort on Monday (24th May), the duo explained that biomethane will be produced from food waste at IMBS’ multi-purpose eco-facility. After this step, the biomethane will be converted into renewable hydrogen with BayoTech’s modular on-site generation technology.

The transatlantic partnership hopes to have the system online in the first half of 2022.

Commenting on the effort, Steve Jones, BayoTech’s Vice-President, Europe, said, “BayoTech is thrilled to be working with IBMS Group on such a ground-breaking project. Using food waste to create zero carbon fuel is an excellent example of regional sustainability.”

“This tackles a bottleneck of renewable hydrogen availability in the UK and gives fleet operators immediate access to cost effective, carbon neutral or even carbon negative hydrogen.”

Steve Sharratt, CEO of IBMS Group, added, “We are delighted to be working in partnership with the world’s leading modular on-site hydrogen generation provider and playing our part in satisfying the increasing demand for carbon neutral and negative hydrogen in the UK.”

“We look forward to launching the initial project next year and then rolling it out across multiple UK locations in the next few years to create a national network of carbon negative hydrogen production facilities.”

BayoTech and IMBS timed its public debut to support the launch of the CBI’s ‘Seize the Moment’ initiative, an ambitious strategy to build a dynamic, competitive and future-focused economy with a renewed focus on greenhouse gas reduction as the UK recovered from the Covid-19 pandemic.

Source: gasworld.com

Deep Branch: CO2 and Hydrogen Could Help Fuel a Greener Meat Industry

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Deep Branch: CO2 and Hydrogen Could Help Fuel a Greener Meat Industry

Feeding an increasing population with a growing appetite for meat is a major challenge for our future. One biotech firm hopes a new animal feed can make the process greener.

Much animal feed is soy-based products grown and imported from South America.

The meat industry is certainly global in scale. Not only are meat products imported and exported between countries, but even locally grown and sold products may have a footprint that stretches across continents. A large part of this dynamic concerns the production and transportation of animal feed, a growing market that is worth up to 92 billion USD a year.

Animal feed production and transportation can greatly contribute to the carbon output of the meat industry – which is already intensive in terms of land, water and other resources. A UK based biotech firm is now looking at ways to change, improve and reduce the carbon footprint of this system. In fact, they have developed a way to essentially grow animal feed from thin air.

The firm, Deep Branch, is researching methods in which single-cell proteins (SCP) can be used as a basis for animal feed. SCPs are produced through a fermentation process using yeast, bacteria or algae. The microbes are fed a supply of carbon dioxide and water, with hydrogen being additionally added via an electrolyser. The resulting waste material, which Deep Branch have dubbed ‘Proton’, can then be used as a high-protein animal feed.

The advantage of this system is that production plants could be built anywhere that has access to an available feedstock for the microorganisms, such as methane, ethanol, sugar, biogas or wood. Using this process, Deep Branch estimates carbon emissions from animal feed production could be reduced by as much as 90 percent.

The Environmental Impact of Animal Feed

Currently, much animal feed is soy based, especially in the case of chicken feed. Large scale soy production usually takes place in South America and necessitates forest clearing, large scale use of machinery and fertilisers. The final product is then shipped to farms around the world. Similarly, fishmeal for salmon production often also comes from the Pacific coast of Peru and Chile, before being processed and globally distributed. According to the UN Food and Agriculture Organization, feed production can account for up to 45 percent of the carbon footprint of livestock products globally, while the industry in general is responsible for around 14.5 percent of all greenhouse gas emissions, especially methane.

Furthermore, although meat consumption is starting to decline in some of the most meat-hungry nations, such as Germany, UK and France, globally it is on the rise. Increasing urbanisation and higher wages in Global South countries means meat consumption is increasing at a rate faster than population growth, creating more issues for sustainability in the future.

ech firms such as Deep Branch hope SCPs will provide an answer to some of these concerns. However, the industry is not without its drawbacks. Establishing a SCP plant is still prohibitively expensive, with a single one costing in the region of 100 million USD. Furthermore, producing the SCP feed to scale is a key challenge, as is gaining convenient access to the gases needed for the protein production.

Currently, Deep Branch uses industrial emissions for its CO2 feedstock with its UK pilot plant, as well as its “scale-up centre” in the Netherlands. Ultimately, it is hoped CO2 and hydrogen can become important parts of the utility infrastructure of states, providing the gases to SCP plants in a similar way that natural gas is provided to homes.

If SCP production can become scalable and economically viable, it is possible it could also play a more direct role in food production. SCPs could provide additional support to alternative farming techniques such as vertical farming and aquaculture, and could potentially become a human food source itself. Deep Branch described the Proton as relatively flavourless and neutral in terms of colour, meaning it could be used as the basis for a variety of products.

Deep Branch’s research has received grants from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 EIC Accelerator, as well as support from the Sainbury’s supermarket chain.

Source: en.reset.org

Hyperbaric chamber manufacturer BioBarica has received approval from the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for its hyperbaric oxygen therapy chambers, marking a new expansion opportunity

A hyperbaric chamber is a medical device in which the patient breathes high concentrations of oxygen through a mask in a pressurized environment at 1.45 ATA. It increases the concentration and availability of oxygen in blood plasma and generates hyperoxia that acts in all the tissues.

Following the approval, the company is starting the team-building process in the US and they are looking to add distributors who want to enter the healthcare business, with innovative profiles and ambition to grow professionally.

“The FDA registration is a great satisfaction for us. Our company was born in 2010 and since then we have grown and expanded in Europe, the Middle East, Africa, and Latin America. We finally reached the United States, which is an extremely competitive market with high standards,” said Ivo Teler, BioBarica’s Commercial Director.

“We are very happy with the growth that the company has had in recent years and we feel a great commitment to this new phase. We not only manufacture and distribute high-quality hyperbaric chambers, but we also provide medical, commercial, technical, and scientific training, and know-how to efficiently operate a Hyperbaric Oxygenation Unit or treatment center. This adds a lot of value to our activity,” added Claudio Teler, CEO of BioBarica.

“Our goal is for more physicians to incorporate the Hyperbaric Chamber so patients can benefit from this safe and effective treatment. To do this, we need to continue adding multidisciplinary professionals to collaborate with us in spreading the benefits of Hyperbaric Oxygenation in the United States,” concludes Claudio.

Source: gasworld

HyGear Asia to supply gas recovery system to Obeikan Glass Company

HyGear Asia has signed an agreement to supply its gas recovery system to Obeikan Glass Company, the largest float/coasted/laminated glass manufacturer in the Middle East.

Both hydrogen and nitrogen gas mixtures are used in float glass production as a protective atmosphere to prevent oxidation. These gases are injected into the tin bath where liquid glass is floated on molten tin.

The most common practice of the production facilities is to vent the used mixed gases into the atmosphere. However, HyGear’s gas recovery system is developed to recover the used gases, clean them and feed them back into the process.

The use of the recovery system reduces costs and improves product quality due to the increased atmosphere refreshment rate. Further to that, it reduces the environmental impact of venting particulate matter into the atmosphere.

Commenting on the agreement, Joanna Kwan, General Manager of HyGear Asia, said, “We are delighted to expand our activities in the glass industry into the Middle East region with an established company like Obeikan.”

“This demonstrates the confidence in our ability to create value in monetary terms as well as reduction of environmental impact which is key to socially responsible companies like Obeikan Glass.” 

Fayez Abdulrazzag, CEO of Obeikan Glass Company, added, “We are pleased of our cooperation with HyGear and we are confident of the technology and our decision to invest in an innovative system.”

“We have no doubt of getting the return on our investment and much more important will enable Obeikan Glass to achieve one of its objectives as to be an environmentally friendly and also green facility.”

Source: gasworld 


What is air?

  • Air is the Earth’s natural atmosphere.
  • Air-gas is non-flammable, colorless, odorless, and non-corrosive, and composed.
  • Air is a mixture of gases, such as argon, water vapor, a small amount of CO2, Oxygen, nitrogen, and small amounts of various other gases.
  • In the industry, artificial air is produced by combining oxygen and pure nitrogen in the form of 19.5 to 23.5% auxin with nitrogen balance.
  • The air in the liquid phase, a clear liquid with a blue tint and in the presence of CO2 In it, a little milky color.

Available grades:

  • The amount of humidity in the air varies from one height to another and from region to region.
  • In the zero or synthetic air industry, it is deliberately produced from a combination of pure oxygen and pure nitrogen, so it is expressed by the purity of the components used in production.
  • For example, the 5.0N grade of air, which represents the air produced from a combination of 19.5 to 23.5% of 5.0N grade oxygen with 5.0N nitrogen balance.

storage and transport tanks:

  • Compressed air is stored and transported in pressurized cylinders with different pressures and with different volumes.

Compatible and incompatible materials:

  1. Dry air is non-corrosive.
  2. The equipment in contact with it can be made of any ordinary metal.
  3. Gaseous air is usually carried in pressurized cylinders, tubes, and tube trailers.



Molecular Weight 28.975
steam pressure 2484 K. Pa @ -150 0C
Gas density 1.2 Kg/m3 @ 21.1 0C and 1 atm
The latent heat of evaporation at the boiling point 205 KJ/Kg
Special heat capacity CP=1.01 KJ/Kg.0C

CV=0.720 KJ/Kg.0C


Critical temperature -140.60C
Critical pressure 3771 KPa(a)
Solubility in water 0.0292 vol.(gas)/Vol.(Water) at 00C and 1 atm
Explosion / ignition range in air  Non-Flammable Gas

Material Compatibility of Air





StainLess Steel











Viton® Buna-N Neoprene Polyurethane





S – Satisfactory for use with the intended gas
C – Conditional. May be incompatible under some circumstances or conditions Contact your Praxair representative for additional information
U – Unsatisfactory for use with the intended gas
I – Insufficient data available to determine compatibility with the intended gas
O – All nonmetalic, even those considered compatible, may be ignitable in oxygen enriched environments or in other oxidizing gases. Successful
use depends upon oxygen purity, pressure, temperature, cleanliness and elimination of ignition mechanisms. Please contact your Praxair
Representative for additional information

Classification of dangerous Products:

Dangerous Products Transport Information:


UN 1002 UN 1002 UN 1002 UN NUMBER
Air, compressed Air, compressed Air, compressed UN SHIPPING NAME

What is hydrogen?

  • Hydrogen is a colorless, odorless, tasteless, non-toxic and flammable gas.

  • This element is present in the form of gas at ambient temperature and atmospheric pressure.

  • This gas is known as the lightest gas and with a density of approximately %0.07 of air with an invisible flame of hydrogen in the presence of air with a blue flame is very faint and in many cases burns with an invisible flame.

Available hydrogen grades:

%99.9999 -%99.999 – %99.99 – %99.5

Tanks and maintenance:

  • Hydrogen gas is portable in cylinders, trailer tubes and pressure vessels.

  • Liquid hydrogen can be stored and transported at room temperature in multi-crusted cryogenic tanks for liquid hydrogen.

Compatible and incompatible materials:

  • Non-corrosive hydrogen gas at pure temperature can be in contact with ordinary metals.

  • Ordinary carbon steels lose their conductivity at the temperature of liquid hydrogen and become very brittle.

Suitable for standing to liquid hydrogen:

  • Austenitized nickel chromium (stainless steel), copper, copper-silicon alloy, aluminum, monel, and some brass and bronze alloys are suitable for exposure to liquid hydrogen.


Molecular Weight 2.016
steam pressure 100 K. Pa @ -253.13 0C
Gas density 0.08342 Kg/m3 @ 21.1 0C and 1 atm
Latent heat of vaporization at the boiling point 446 KJ/Kg
Special heat capacity CP=14.34 KJ/Kg.0C

CV=10.12 KJ/Kg.0C


Special heat capacity -239.960C
Critical pressure 1316 KPa(a)
Solubility in water 0.019 vol.(gas)/Vol.(Water) at 15.60C and 1 atm
Explosion / ignition range in air  Flammable Gas

Material Compatibility of Hydrogen





StainLess Steel











Viton® Buna-N Neoprene Polyurethane





S – Satisfactory for use with the intended gas
C – Conditional. May be incompatible under some circumstances or conditions Contact your Praxair representative for additional information
U – Unsatisfactory for use with the intended gas
I – Insufficient data available to determine compatibility with the intended gas
O – All nonmetalic, even those considered compatible, may be ignitable in oxygen enriched environments or in other oxidizing gases. Successful
use depends upon oxygen purity, pressure, temperature, cleanliness and elimination of ignition mechanisms. Please contact your Praxair
Representative for additional information

Classification of dangerous goods:

Dangerous Goods Transport Information:


UN 1049 UN 1049 UN 1049 UN NUMBER
Hydrogen, compressed Hydrogen, compressed Hydrogen, compressed UN SHIPPING NAME

Investigation focuses on cryogenic freezing system

An investigation into a liquid nitrogen leak at a poultry processing plant in Gainesville, Georgia, that killed six people is focusing on a cryogenic freezing system manufactured by Messer.

The US Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board’s (CSB) work on the incident at the Foundation Food Group on 28 th January is ongoing, but the CSB has released some details in an update.

The incident at Foundation Food Group’s Gainesville Plant 4 occurred on Line 4, where chicken is processed, to include seasoning, cooking, freezing, and then packaging.

The system installed on Line 4 is a liquid nitrogen immersion-spiral freezer. The liquid nitrogen units were manufactured and installed by major industrial gases company Messer and are leased to the Foundation Food Group, according to CSB.

“CSB has confirmed that both the external and the interior elements of this system were manufactured by Messer,” CSB said in a statement.

“This includes the supply tanks outside, and the interior cryogenic freezing equipment on Line 4. Prior to the recent installation of this system, a different type of freezing equipment was used, which was ammonia-based. This equipment is still collocated on Line 4 adjacent to the cryogenic system and has not yet been removed.”

Liquid nitrogen was first used in Plant 4 in 2020 and some tools were found near an immersion freezer on Line 4, according to the CSB. The CSB understands that Line 4 was shut down on the morning of the incident “due to operational issues on the conveyor line”.

“We have since learned that unplanned maintenance was being conducted on Line 4,” the CSB statement said.

“The LN [liquid nitrogen] units were manufactured and installed by Messer and are leased to the Foundation Food Group. The plant had been experiencing unresolved operational issues on the chicken conveyor that appear to have resulted in the accidental release of liquid nitrogen in the flash freezing bath. Foundation Food Group maintenance personnel reported the computerised measuring system indicated a low liquid level in the immersion bath used to flash freeze the chicken products.”

The CSB continues to investigate the incident.

“Messer was notified the morning of Thursday, 28th January of several fatalities at Foundation Food Group (formerly Prime Pak Foods, Inc.) in Gainesville, GA,” Messer said in a statement to gasworld.

“Our hearts go out to the families of the deceased, and we express our sincere condolences. We understand that other employees and first responders were being treated at local area hospitals, and we hope for their speedy recovery. Messer has offered its full support to the Foundation Food Group team and is cooperating fully with the investigating authorities examining this tragedy.”

Source: gasworld

Linde and Hyosung Partner to Develop Hydrogen Infrastructure in South Korea

Linde company announced today that it has partnered with Hyosung Corporation (Hyosung), one of South Korea’s largest industrial conglomerates, to build, own and operate extensive new liquid hydrogen infrastructure in South Korea. This robust hydrogen network will support the country’s ambitious decarbonization agenda to achieve net zero emissions by 2050.

On behalf of the joint venture, Linde will build and operate Asia’s largest liquid hydrogen facility. With a capacity of over 30 tons per day, this facility will process enough hydrogen to fuel 100,000 cars and save up to 130,000 tons of carbon dioxide tailpipe emissions each year.

Based in Ulsan, the plants will use Linde’s proprietary hydrogen liquefaction technology which is currently used to produce approximately half of the world’s liquid hydrogen. The first phase of the project is expected to start operations in 2023.

Under the partnership, Linde will sell and distribute the liquid hydrogen produced at Ulsan to the growing mobility market in South Korea. To enable this, the joint venture will build, own and operate a nationwide network of hydrogen refueling stations.

“Hydrogen has emerged as a key enabler of the global energy transition to meet the decarbonization goals set out in the Paris Agreement,” said B.S. Sung, President of Linde Korea. “The South Korean government has set ambitious targets for hydrogen-powered fuel cell vehicles and the widespread, reliable availability of liquid hydrogen will be instrumental to achieving these targets. We are excited to partner with Hyosung to develop the hydrogen supply chain in South Korea.”

“Our partnership with Linde is a cornerstone of the development of South Korea’s national hydrogen economy and will advance the entire liquid hydrogen value chain across the country, from production and distribution to sales and services,” said Cho Hyun-Joon, Chairman of Hyosung Group. “We look forward to working with Linde to further reinforce and strengthen Hyosung as a leader in the global hydrogen energy transition.”

Linde is a global leader in the production, processing, storage and distribution of hydrogen. It has the largest liquid hydrogen capacity and distribution system in the world. The company also operates the world’s first high-purity hydrogen storage cavern, coupled with an unrivaled pipeline network of approximately 1,000 kilometers to reliably supply its customers. Linde is at the forefront in the transition to clean hydrogen and has installed close to 200 hydrogen fueling stations and 80 hydrogen electrolysis plants worldwide. The company offers the latest electrolysis technology through its joint venture ITM Linde Electrolysis GmbH.

About Linde

Linde is a leading global industrial gases and engineering company with 2019 sales of $28 billion (€25 billion). We live our mission of making our world more productive every day by providing high-quality solutions, technologies and services which are making our customers more successful and helping to sustain and protect our planet.

The company serves a variety of end markets including chemicals & refining, food & beverage, electronics, healthcare, manufacturing and primary metals. Linde’s industrial gases are used in countless applications, from life-saving oxygen for hospitals to high-purity & specialty gases for electronics manufacturing, hydrogen for clean fuels and much more. Linde also delivers state-of-the-art gas processing solutions to support customer expansion, efficiency improvements and emissions reductions.


Source: linde-engineering

Injection of hydrogen into blast furnace: thyssenkrupp Steel concludes first test phase successfully

thyssenkrupp Steel has successfully completed the first phase of hydrogen tests on “Blast Furnace 9“ in Duisburg. In recent months, several tests on one of the 28 tuyères of this blast furnace could be conducted, while complying with corona requirements, among them some long-term tests.

The company has gained important findings in these tests, enabling it to extend the tests to all tuyères in the next step and to transfer this technology to large-scale industrial use. The injection tests are part of the company’s climate strategy with which it intends to reduce its CO2 emissions by 30 percent by 2030.

Successful development: Tests confirm suitability for industrial use

On November 11, 2019, thyssenkrupp Steel was the first company globally to inject hydrogen into a blast furnace during operation. Hydrogen replaces coal dust as additional reducing agent. The goal is to reduce CO2 emissions – for unlike carbon, hydrogen does not react in the blast furnace to form CO2, but water.

The project is funded under the IN4climate.NRW initiative launched by the state government, is scientifically supported by the BFI research institute and supplied with hydrogen by Air Liquide.

A particular focus of the first test phase was on findings on plant technology with the use of hydrogen. To this end, injection of hydrogen was tested on one of the 28 tuyères of “Blast furnace 9” at the Duisburg site.

Based on continual data collection and analyses during the 24-hour tests, the team was able to gather extensive information, for instance, on the positioning of the hydrogen lance in the furnace, on flow and pressure conditions and on the interaction between elevated temperatures and plant technology. The collected data were used to optimize the hydrogen technology with each trial. It was also possible to reach the envisaged injection volume of about 1,000 m³ of hydrogen per hour in the tests.

Dr. Arnd Köfler, Chief Technology Officer of thyssenkrupp Steel: “The development of the hydrogen technology at blast furnace 9 is an important step in our transformation towards climate-neutral steel production. That way, we are able to reduce the CO2 emissions of the conventional coal-based blast furnace process significantly. We are very grateful to the state of North Rhine-Westphalia for funding this first trial phase, which has laid the foundations for the second phase now to come. This will then be followed by the next decisive step towards climate neutrality: The construction of direct reduction plants, which are purely hydrogen-based and can be operated completely without coal“.

Technical basis for extension to all tuyères completed

In the second test phase, the tests will be extended to all 28 tuyères of the blast furnace, thus paving the way for large-scale industrial use. The focus of research will then be on the impact of hydrogen technology on the metallurgical processes in the blast furnace. The second phase is scheduled to start in 2022, somewhat later than originally planned due to the corona pandemic. While the hydrogen for the first test phase was delivered by truck, a pipeline is required for the quantities of hydrogen needed for the second phase.

The Federal Government has held out the prospect of funding for the second phase as part of the real-world laboratory program.

A preparatory agreement on the supply of hydrogen to the blast furnace via Air Liquide’s long-distance pipelines has been concluded recently. Air Liquide was already a partner in the first project phase and intends – subject to funding approval – to invest in a new pipeline connection between the blast furnace and the existing hydrogen long-distance pipeline.

Gilles Le Van, Chairman of the Management Board of Air Liquide Germany: “thyssenkrupp, and Air Liquide are working together on a lighthouse project for the hydrogen society. Together we are pushing forward the decarbonization of steelmaking – with the aim of equally addressing climate protection and international competitiveness.

This is important for North Rhine-Westphalia, for Germany and Europe, and we are proud to make our contribution. Air Liquide brings more than 50 years of experience in the field of hydrogen to our joint project work with thyssenkrupp. We’ll build on that”.

Source: thyssenkrupp-steel

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