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Food waste accounts for 10% of all greenhouse gas emissions

 Farms are wasting twice as much food as we thought

Around 2.5 billion metric tons of food is wasted on farms each year—that’s nearly twice as much as in previous estimates. When added together with all the other food that is never eaten—from excess produce on supermarket shelves to the strawberries rotting in the back of your fridge—around 40% of all the food that is grown globally is ultimately tossed out.

That’s a major problem for the climate: “Driven to Waste,” the report from World Wildlife Fund and the U.K. supermarket chain Tesco that published these numbers, suggests that food waste alone is responsible for 10% of greenhouse gas emissions. (The entire airline industry, by contrast, represents around 1.9% of emissions.) Some of the emissions happen in landfills or fields, where rotting food releases methane, a potent greenhouse gas.

But most of the environmental impact comes from growing the food. Fertilizer takes large amounts of energy to produce, and releases emissions on fields. Forests are chopped down to plant crops and raise animals, and the land can’t be reforested if it’s being farmed. The amount of water used to grow wasted food could fill more than 300 million Olympic-size swimming pools.

So far, only 11 of the 192 climate plans that countries have submitted under the Paris climate agreement mention food waste. But it’s a solvable problem at each stage of the journey, from farms to kitchens. Restaurants, for example, can shrink food waste just by serving smaller portions so diners are less likely to leave food on their plates, or partner with food delivery apps to get extra food to food banks. Grocery stores can use new technology that automatically changes the prices on food so it sells before it has to be thrown out.

And since food waste on farms has been underestimated in the past, it’s another place where intervention is important. A variety of solutions can help on farms, including increasing demand for so-called ugly produce that supermarkets used to reject. Project Drawdown, a list of the best ways to tackle climate change, includes reducing food waste as one of the most impactful solutions. The new report suggests that governments should aim to cut food waste in half by 2030.


Farms are wasting 1 billion tons of food. That’s a disaster for the climate


About 2.5 billion metric tons of food is wasted around the world each year, roughly half of which is lost on farms including in Europe and the United States. That’s having a huge impact on the climate.

A report published Wednesday by the World Wildlife Fund and UK grocery retailer Tesco (TSCDF) reveals that the amount of food lost is nearly double previous estimates by the UN Food and Agriculture Organization, which last conducted an analysis of total waste from farm to fork in 2011.

Food lost on farms amounts to 1.2 billion metric tons, with a further 931 million metric tons wasted by retailers and consumers. The remainder is lost during transport, storage, manufacturing and processing.

The updated figures indicate that 40% of all food produced goes uneaten, according to the study, which attempts to quantify the amount of food wasted on farms for the first time in a decade.

“We have known for years that food loss and waste is a huge problem that can be minimized, which in turn could reduce the impact of food systems on nature and climate,” Pete Pearson, global food loss and waste initiative lead at WWF said in a statement.

“This report shows us the problem is likely bigger than we had thought,” he added. Bottom of Form

According to the study, food waste accounts for 10% of all greenhouse gas emissions, higher than a previous estimate of 8%.

That’s the equivalent of nearly twice the annual emissions produced by all the cars driven in the United States and Europe, where in recent days raging wildfires and catastrophic floods have served as a painful reminder of the grave threats posed by the climate crisis.

“Producing food uses a huge amount of land, water and energy, so wasted food significantly impacts climate change,” the report said.

Despite its outsized effect on the environment, just 11 of the national carbon plans submitted by 192 signatories to the Paris climate agreement include measures to address food loss and waste.

Most of the plans that do come from African nations tackling post-harvest losses, even though farming in more industrialized nations, with higher levels of mechanization, is a bigger contributor to food waste than previously thought.

Richer countries in Europe, North America and Asia contribute 58% of wasted harvests globally despite having only 37% of the global population, according to the report. Yet efforts to reduce food waste in wealthier countries tend to focus on retail and consumption.

Some 2.5 billion tonnes of food is lost on farms or wasted by retailers and consumers each year.

“Farm-stage food loss is a significant but overlooked food waste hotspot,” the report said. The reasons for the waste include a disconnect between markets and farmers, which can lead to mismatches in the volume of production, the types of crops planted and the timing of harvest.

Unfair trading practices and the higher priority given to exported crops by farmers and governments over those for domestic consumption are also factors.

The report calls on governments and the food industry to set food waste reduction targets, measure and report waste and devise strategies to address it within operations and supply chains.

Tesco CEO Ken Murphy said that several of the retailer’s suppliers will report on their own farm food loss and waste for the first time this year, “helping us to tackle waste in the earliest parts of our supply chain.” The company has been working with 71 of its largest global suppliers to reduce food waste, reporting a reduction of more than 40% when compared to a 2016-2017 baseline, Murphy added.

More Than 1 Billion Tons Of Food Was Wasted In 2019, UN Report Finds

About 1.02 billion tons of food was wasted globally in 2019 and roughly %17 of food produced for human consumption goes to waste each year, far more than prior research has indicated, according to a United Nations report published Thursday.

Individual households were responsible for most of the food waste, accounting for %61 of the total, the UN Environment Programme report found.

Foodservice accounted for 26%, while 13% was attributable to retail waste.

Given limited data availability and variable measurement approaches, the UN researchers said their estimate likely falls short of the actual amount of global waste.

Food waste has become a more pressing issue due to the environmental toll of food production: If food waste were a country, it would be the third-biggest source of greenhouse gas emissions, behind only China and the United States, said Inger Andersen, the UN Environment Programme’s executive director.

Source: FastCompany و WorldWildlifeFund

BayoTech, IMBS Group to produce hydrogen using biomethane from food waste; plan to produce 1,000kg of hydrogen daily

  • BayoTech and IMBS Group will develop the UK’s first renewable hydrogen project using biomethane from food waste as a feedstock to produce 1,000 kilograms of renewable hydrogen a day.
  • Inking an agreement for the effort on Monday (24th May), the duo explained that biomethane will be produced from food waste at IMBS’ multi-purpose eco-facility. After this step, the biomethane will be converted into renewable hydrogen with BayoTech’s modular on-site generation technology.

The transatlantic partnership hopes to have the system online in the first half of 2022.

Commenting on the effort, Steve Jones, BayoTech’s Vice-President, Europe, said, “BayoTech is thrilled to be working with IBMS Group on such a ground-breaking project. Using food waste to create zero carbon fuel is an excellent example of regional sustainability.”

“This tackles a bottleneck of renewable hydrogen availability in the UK and gives fleet operators immediate access to cost effective, carbon neutral or even carbon negative hydrogen.”

Steve Sharratt, CEO of IBMS Group, added, “We are delighted to be working in partnership with the world’s leading modular on-site hydrogen generation provider and playing our part in satisfying the increasing demand for carbon neutral and negative hydrogen in the UK.”

“We look forward to launching the initial project next year and then rolling it out across multiple UK locations in the next few years to create a national network of carbon negative hydrogen production facilities.”

BayoTech and IMBS timed its public debut to support the launch of the CBI’s ‘Seize the Moment’ initiative, an ambitious strategy to build a dynamic, competitive and future-focused economy with a renewed focus on greenhouse gas reduction as the UK recovered from the Covid-19 pandemic.

Source: gasworld.com


South America: gas companies on alert as oxygen demand increases due to Covid-19


The new Covid-19 wave is putting more pressure on medical oxygen demand supplies in South America, as new virus variants are more infectious and the vaccination efforts progress slowly due to a lack of vaccines in most countries of the region.

The industrial gas industry is coming under severe pressure and public scrutiny and is making public appeals to governments and citizens to limit contagions.

The industry has worked with the public and private health sectors to increase oxygen availability for the additional intensive care units which were added, as well as facilities for serious cases for patients who also require oxygenation – installing new or additional cryogenic tanks, providing more cylinders and oxygen concentrators. This, in turn, demands the upgrade of distribution equipment and personnel.


Colombia could become critical

The Colombian Chamber of Industrial and Medical Gases issued an alert on 26th April (2021), describing the tremendous pressure that industrial gas companies are facing due to the increase of oxygen demand.

Gas companies are now producing at 105% of their oxygen installed capacity. While in February 2020 the total consumption of oxygen (industrial and medical) was 330 tonnes per day (tpd), the same demand in April 2021 reached 575 tpd – a 74% increase.

Ms. Ingrid Reyes, speaker of the Chamber, said that although the industry was able to supply enough oxygen during previous waves, now its priority is to supply the larger demand of medical oxygen in the Atlantic and Antioquia regions, two of the most populated in the country, where the Covid-19 virus is making a rapid advance. Reyes alerted that if contagions increase at a similar pace in the populous cities of Bogota and Cali, the situation could become critical.

The oxygen producers are working with the Colombian authorities in solutions contemplating the possible importation of oxygen, starting up several oxygen PSA (pressure swing adsorption) plants, establishing protocols for the rational use of oxygen, as well as insisting in the return of empty cylinders and oxygen concentrators as soon as they are no longer required by the patients. Finally, Reyes insists that self-care should be the main strategy to prevent contagions in order to avoid a critical situation.

Argentina on alert

In Argentina, where a second wave of the Covid-19 infection is underway, reaching higher contagions than during the first wave yet mainly concentrated in the city Buenos Aires and the metropolitan area, on 28th April a joint resolution of the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Productive Development established that industrial gas companies should supply medical oxygen demand with priority over industrial uses.

Projections of demand indicate that if contagions continue at the present level, oxygen demand could reach between 1,030 tpd and 1,506 tpd, surpassing the total oxygen production capacity estimated to be at 860 tpd.

Additionally, in order to prevent abuses like those which have been seen in other countries, a 90-day price freeze was established for the medical oxygen product and related services.

A few days earlier, a large steel mill located near Rosario, 300km from Buenos Aires, stopped production after its supplier (Linde-Praxair) communicated that there will be no liquid oxygen available for them during May 2021. Air Liquide Argentina issued a press release on 30th April describing its efforts to supply a ’fluctuating demand which is 200% higher’ and reaffirming its commitment to supply medical oxygen demand across the country.

In news that appeared in the local national newspaper Clarin, Linde-Praxair said it was also seeing a 200% increase in oxygen demand. Together with Air Liquide, the combined company Linde-Praxair supplies near 90% of the Argentinean oxygen market, followed distantly by Indura Air Products and several local regional producers.

Problems persist in Peru

Linde´s medical oxygen demand before the start of the pandemic in March 2020 was 48 tpd, and has now reached 250 tpd, which Linde supplies both by starting up idle plants and imports, plus another 20 tpd produced by the copper company, Southern, with Linde´s collaboration.

Linde alerted the Peruvian government early in February 2021 about the critical situation, as described in a previous press release, and now insists that medical oxygen consumption continues to grow. Peru has been receiving, in recent months, around 40 tonnes of liquid oxygen per week from Chile for hospitals in Lima, and also some oxygen from neighboring Ecuador to cover additional demand in the Northern region.

Estimates from the Ministry of Health consider that demand could be around 510 tpd of oxygen, while capacity is approx. 400 tpd, including some PSA plants installed at several hospitals.

Brazilian crisis continues

 White Martins – the leading gas company in the country with more than 50% market share – indicated in a 26th March(2021) press release that it alone supplied 1.1 million m3 of medical (liquid) oxygen on 22nd March, equivalent to about 1,570 tpd – a daily volume 93% higher than in December 2020 and 119% higher than the average daily volume during 2020.

More recently, White Martins announced that as part of its efforts to cope with the high medical oxygen demand, it had imported 14 cryogenic trailers from its sister company in Canada, including one called the ’cryo-queen’ which is capable of storing 80,000m3 of liquid oxygen.

Wider concerns

Problems with the supply of medical oxygen due to the Covid-19 crisis had also been reported in smaller countries like Paraguay and Bolivia. Chile, in spite of the good progress of its vaccination campaign, has also seen a spike in Covd-19 cases and declared a temporary lockdown, with the oxygen demand growing in some regions, but no major oxygen problems have been reported so far.

Uruguay, which last year was barely affected by the virus, is now suffering higher contagions and also declared a partial lockdown as the health system was under pressure

Source: gasworld.com

Rimba Raya’s natural solutions to save orangutan lives and absorb carbon dioxide

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Rimba Raya’s natural solutions to save orangutan lives and absorb carbon dioxide

Biodiversity and Community

Indonesia is losing forests at the rate of half a million hectares a year, which is one of the highest rates in the world. The Rimba Raya Biodiversity Reserve, the largest REDD+ project in the world, works to preserve these forests and stop development.



Carbon Dioxide

What it does

Reducing deforestation is one of the biggest opportunities for the cost-efficient and immediate reduction of carbon emissions. This project is preserving 64,500 hectares of tropical peatland forest on the southern coast of Borneo, a rich ecosphere supporting flora, fauna and species including the endangered Bornean orangutan. The local government had previously approved this land for conversion to palm oil plantations, but the project helped local communities find a different solution. Local residents have adopted sustainable alternatives to slash-and-burn farming and now with better economic opportunities these forests are being guarded and carbon sequestered.

How it works

To be effective, forest conservation must be balanced with the economic well-being of local communities. This project achieves that balance by demonstrating that conservation can be environmentally and economically advantageous.

It engages communities and supports the local economy by creating jobs, offering alternative income streams, providing new co-ops, and micro-finance programs. The project also provides access to clean water, health services and education. Local communities have become motivated partners in forest preservation. This project is avoiding 4.5 million tonnes of carbon equivalent emissions every year, and is the largest REDD+ forestry project in the world in terms of emissions reduced. It is also Indonesia’s first officially sanctioned REDD+ project.


Total CO2 emissions reduction for this project will exceed 130 million tonnes.

The project addresses all 17 of the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Preserves shelter for 300 species of birds, 122 species of mammals, and 180 species of trees and plants.

The project created a women’s co-op for greater opportunity and community participation.


There is a continual commercial demand for agricultural land.

It needs a significant amount of local support to survive.

Enforcement of forest protection requires constant vigilance.

Rural poverty can still push farmers to illegal logging and slash-and-burn farming.

Who it helps:

Planet Earth, by sequestering 4.5 million tonnes of carbon emissions every year. The endangered Borneo orangutan, by preserving an irreplaceable bio-habitat. The people of Rimba Raya, by creating jobs and new small businesses. And people everywhere, by demonstrating that forest conservation can be done effectively and lastingly.

Why we chose this project

This uninhabited lowland peat swamp forest preservation and regeneration project offers strong biodiversity and community benefits that are unequaled by most forest projects we review. It is located in a part of the world that is under high stress from unregulated agricultural practices and is eminently threatened by rising temperatures.

Source: cooleffect.org

Deep Branch: CO2 and Hydrogen Could Help Fuel a Greener Meat Industry

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Deep Branch: CO2 and Hydrogen Could Help Fuel a Greener Meat Industry

Feeding an increasing population with a growing appetite for meat is a major challenge for our future. One biotech firm hopes a new animal feed can make the process greener.

Much animal feed is soy-based products grown and imported from South America.

The meat industry is certainly global in scale. Not only are meat products imported and exported between countries, but even locally grown and sold products may have a footprint that stretches across continents. A large part of this dynamic concerns the production and transportation of animal feed, a growing market that is worth up to 92 billion USD a year.

Animal feed production and transportation can greatly contribute to the carbon output of the meat industry – which is already intensive in terms of land, water and other resources. A UK based biotech firm is now looking at ways to change, improve and reduce the carbon footprint of this system. In fact, they have developed a way to essentially grow animal feed from thin air.

The firm, Deep Branch, is researching methods in which single-cell proteins (SCP) can be used as a basis for animal feed. SCPs are produced through a fermentation process using yeast, bacteria or algae. The microbes are fed a supply of carbon dioxide and water, with hydrogen being additionally added via an electrolyser. The resulting waste material, which Deep Branch have dubbed ‘Proton’, can then be used as a high-protein animal feed.

The advantage of this system is that production plants could be built anywhere that has access to an available feedstock for the microorganisms, such as methane, ethanol, sugar, biogas or wood. Using this process, Deep Branch estimates carbon emissions from animal feed production could be reduced by as much as 90 percent.

The Environmental Impact of Animal Feed

Currently, much animal feed is soy based, especially in the case of chicken feed. Large scale soy production usually takes place in South America and necessitates forest clearing, large scale use of machinery and fertilisers. The final product is then shipped to farms around the world. Similarly, fishmeal for salmon production often also comes from the Pacific coast of Peru and Chile, before being processed and globally distributed. According to the UN Food and Agriculture Organization, feed production can account for up to 45 percent of the carbon footprint of livestock products globally, while the industry in general is responsible for around 14.5 percent of all greenhouse gas emissions, especially methane.

Furthermore, although meat consumption is starting to decline in some of the most meat-hungry nations, such as Germany, UK and France, globally it is on the rise. Increasing urbanisation and higher wages in Global South countries means meat consumption is increasing at a rate faster than population growth, creating more issues for sustainability in the future.

ech firms such as Deep Branch hope SCPs will provide an answer to some of these concerns. However, the industry is not without its drawbacks. Establishing a SCP plant is still prohibitively expensive, with a single one costing in the region of 100 million USD. Furthermore, producing the SCP feed to scale is a key challenge, as is gaining convenient access to the gases needed for the protein production.

Currently, Deep Branch uses industrial emissions for its CO2 feedstock with its UK pilot plant, as well as its “scale-up centre” in the Netherlands. Ultimately, it is hoped CO2 and hydrogen can become important parts of the utility infrastructure of states, providing the gases to SCP plants in a similar way that natural gas is provided to homes.

If SCP production can become scalable and economically viable, it is possible it could also play a more direct role in food production. SCPs could provide additional support to alternative farming techniques such as vertical farming and aquaculture, and could potentially become a human food source itself. Deep Branch described the Proton as relatively flavourless and neutral in terms of colour, meaning it could be used as the basis for a variety of products.

Deep Branch’s research has received grants from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 EIC Accelerator, as well as support from the Sainbury’s supermarket chain.

Source: en.reset.org

Hyperbaric chamber manufacturer BioBarica has received approval from the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for its hyperbaric oxygen therapy chambers, marking a new expansion opportunity

A hyperbaric chamber is a medical device in which the patient breathes high concentrations of oxygen through a mask in a pressurized environment at 1.45 ATA. It increases the concentration and availability of oxygen in blood plasma and generates hyperoxia that acts in all the tissues.

Following the approval, the company is starting the team-building process in the US and they are looking to add distributors who want to enter the healthcare business, with innovative profiles and ambition to grow professionally.

“The FDA registration is a great satisfaction for us. Our company was born in 2010 and since then we have grown and expanded in Europe, the Middle East, Africa, and Latin America. We finally reached the United States, which is an extremely competitive market with high standards,” said Ivo Teler, BioBarica’s Commercial Director.

“We are very happy with the growth that the company has had in recent years and we feel a great commitment to this new phase. We not only manufacture and distribute high-quality hyperbaric chambers, but we also provide medical, commercial, technical, and scientific training, and know-how to efficiently operate a Hyperbaric Oxygenation Unit or treatment center. This adds a lot of value to our activity,” added Claudio Teler, CEO of BioBarica.

“Our goal is for more physicians to incorporate the Hyperbaric Chamber so patients can benefit from this safe and effective treatment. To do this, we need to continue adding multidisciplinary professionals to collaborate with us in spreading the benefits of Hyperbaric Oxygenation in the United States,” concludes Claudio.

Source: gasworld

HyGear Asia to supply gas recovery system to Obeikan Glass Company

HyGear Asia has signed an agreement to supply its gas recovery system to Obeikan Glass Company, the largest float/coasted/laminated glass manufacturer in the Middle East.

Both hydrogen and nitrogen gas mixtures are used in float glass production as a protective atmosphere to prevent oxidation. These gases are injected into the tin bath where liquid glass is floated on molten tin.

The most common practice of the production facilities is to vent the used mixed gases into the atmosphere. However, HyGear’s gas recovery system is developed to recover the used gases, clean them and feed them back into the process.

The use of the recovery system reduces costs and improves product quality due to the increased atmosphere refreshment rate. Further to that, it reduces the environmental impact of venting particulate matter into the atmosphere.

Commenting on the agreement, Joanna Kwan, General Manager of HyGear Asia, said, “We are delighted to expand our activities in the glass industry into the Middle East region with an established company like Obeikan.”

“This demonstrates the confidence in our ability to create value in monetary terms as well as reduction of environmental impact which is key to socially responsible companies like Obeikan Glass.” 

Fayez Abdulrazzag, CEO of Obeikan Glass Company, added, “We are pleased of our cooperation with HyGear and we are confident of the technology and our decision to invest in an innovative system.”

“We have no doubt of getting the return on our investment and much more important will enable Obeikan Glass to achieve one of its objectives as to be an environmentally friendly and also green facility.”

Source: gasworld 

Peak Scientific company unveils new nitrogen gas solution

Peak Scientific has launched a new gas solution for Shimadzu high-flow LC-MS/MS systems.

Modelled on the Genius XE nitrogen gas generator, Peak Scientific’s Genius XE SMZ offers Shimadzu customers a tailored solution in a compact unit. 

Sharing details on the innovation, Peak Scientific said the solution is capable of generating high gas flows with one nitrogen output at up to 29 litres per minute and one air output at up to 27 litres per minute.

Petra Gierga, Product Manager for Peak Scientific, said, “We’re delighted to be able to offer Shimadzu customers a cost-effective, space-saving and OEM-approved gas solution for high-flow LC-MS/MS Systems, including Shimadzu’s latest LCMS-8060NX.

Peak Scientific has been collaborating with Shimadzu since 2009, where we have worked in conjunction to develop gas generator technology for specific applications. With all these years of hard work and research, Genius XE SMZ is Peak’s culmination of the ideal gas solution for Shimadzu’s customers.”

Unlike bulk gas sources, such as nitrogen gas cylinders, Genius XE SMZ only requires a one-time delivery for installation, thereby eliminating the repeated costs of bulk gas transportation, rental and third-party contracts.

Genius XE SMZ’s plug-and-play user-friendly operation means labs can also remove the extra costs for staff safety training.


Source: gasworld and peakscientific

New services of Nasim Sobh Farda Group

  • Nasim Sobh Farda Group of Companies has the most specialized and well-equipped vacuum heat treatment service center in the country, which meets the needs of industrialists and scientific centers in the country.
  • Furnaces with a capacity of 60 × 60 × 90 cm and the temperature range of up to 1250 degrees Celsius and also the possibility of two-way cooling for uniform dimensional and metallurgical results that have the ability to quench with a maximum pressure of 6 bar (absolute).
  • A wide range of heat treatments of cold-rolled, hot-rolled, high-grade steels on nickel, titanium, and hard-deposition alloys of very good quality are performed in these furnaces.


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