بایگانی‌های Hydrogen Alliance - dawnbreeze

What is hydrogen?

  • Hydrogen is a colorless, odorless, tasteless, non-toxic and flammable gas.

  • This element is present in the form of gas at ambient temperature and atmospheric pressure.

  • This gas is known as the lightest gas and with a density of approximately %0.07 of air with an invisible flame of hydrogen in the presence of air with a blue flame is very faint and in many cases burns with an invisible flame.

Available hydrogen grades:

%99.9999 -%99.999 – %99.99 – %99.5

Tanks and maintenance:

  • Hydrogen gas is portable in cylinders, trailer tubes and pressure vessels.

  • Liquid hydrogen can be stored and transported at room temperature in multi-crusted cryogenic tanks for liquid hydrogen.

Compatible and incompatible materials:

  • Non-corrosive hydrogen gas at pure temperature can be in contact with ordinary metals.

  • Ordinary carbon steels lose their conductivity at the temperature of liquid hydrogen and become very brittle.

Suitable for standing to liquid hydrogen:

  • Austenitized nickel chromium (stainless steel), copper, copper-silicon alloy, aluminum, monel, and some brass and bronze alloys are suitable for exposure to liquid hydrogen.


Molecular Weight 2.016
steam pressure 100 K. Pa @ -253.13 0C
Gas density 0.08342 Kg/m3 @ 21.1 0C and 1 atm
Latent heat of vaporization at the boiling point 446 KJ/Kg
Special heat capacity CP=14.34 KJ/Kg.0C

CV=10.12 KJ/Kg.0C


Special heat capacity -239.960C
Critical pressure 1316 KPa(a)
Solubility in water 0.019 vol.(gas)/Vol.(Water) at 15.60C and 1 atm
Explosion / ignition range in air  Flammable Gas

Material Compatibility of Hydrogen





StainLess Steel











Viton® Buna-N Neoprene Polyurethane





S – Satisfactory for use with the intended gas
C – Conditional. May be incompatible under some circumstances or conditions Contact your Praxair representative for additional information
U – Unsatisfactory for use with the intended gas
I – Insufficient data available to determine compatibility with the intended gas
O – All nonmetalic, even those considered compatible, may be ignitable in oxygen enriched environments or in other oxidizing gases. Successful
use depends upon oxygen purity, pressure, temperature, cleanliness and elimination of ignition mechanisms. Please contact your Praxair
Representative for additional information

Classification of dangerous goods:

Dangerous Goods Transport Information:


UN 1049 UN 1049 UN 1049 UN NUMBER
Hydrogen, compressed Hydrogen, compressed Hydrogen, compressed UN SHIPPING NAME


Investment 700 million for hydrogen research

The German government wants to turn German manufacturers into world leaders in this area. The German government has pledged to pump around 700 million euros (852 million dollars) into the field of hydrogen research by 2025, as part of plans to clean up the country’s energy landscape. 

Research Minister Anja Karliczek presented three top projects in Berlin on Wednesday, which were selected as part of a competition for state funding.

According to her ministry, they involve more than 230 partners from industry and academia.

The specific goal is to produce so-called electrolyzers, which are units that use power – ideally renewable energy – to convert substances such as water into hydrogen and oxygen.

Karliczek wants to to turn German manufacturers into world leaders in this area and she said that the nascent industry could emerge as an engine for creating jobs.

A second major project is to be dedicated to the production of hydrogen using wind energy at sea, while a third is to research infrastructure for the safe transport of hydrogen, for example via high-pressure containers or through gas pipelines.

“We want to turn Germany into the leading market and the top global supplier for hydrogen technologies,” the minister said.

She said hydrogen would be a key element of Germany’s ambitious overhaul of its coal-reliant economy as it transitions towards greener energy.

Hydrogen produces only water when burned.

The three research projects are to begin their work early this year.

Source: deutschland.de


Collaboration is critical to unlocking hydrogen’s full potential, says Air Products as it joins the European Clean Hydrogen Alliance

The Alliance was established by the European Commission to create the foundation for a viable and competitive EU industrial hydrogen network.

With expertise across every aspect of the hydrogen for mobility value chain, Air Products said it is well positioned to support the European Clean Hydrogen Alliance’s aims of connecting renewable and low-carbon hydrogen production, transmission and distribution as well as demand from industry, mobility and other sectors.

“From production to distribution to stations, we know about hydrogen and the vital role it can play in the EU energy transition,” said Caroline Stancell, Air Products’ European Hydrogen for Mobility and Energy Transition General Manager.

“We also know that – to unlock its full potential – collaborating with other experts in the hydrogen value chain is critical.”

“Joining the European Clean Hydrogen Alliance brings together important voices that can and will make a big difference in achieving a thriving hydrogen ecosystem in Europe.”

Source: gasworld

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